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Eldrich Gaiman's Emblazon of Populace Badge of Kingdom of the East

Source: East Kingdom Graphics Library.

License: Permission to use the graphics has been granted for the use in SCA, educational purposes only. Any commercial usage of these images is strictly forbidden without prior express written permission.


SVG: 436 x 324 (96KB, original)
PNG: 1000 x 743 (119KB), 500 x 371 (53KB), 200 x 148 (17KB), 100 x 74 (7KB), 50 x 37 (3KB)
JPEG: 1000 x 743 (109KB), 500 x 371 (44KB), 200 x 148 (13KB), 100 x 74 (5KB), 50 x 37 (2KB)